Your Care Plan May Require More Care Than You Think
Emotional stresses, including depression and anxiety, severe fatigue, trouble sleeping and difficulty maintaining focus and energy are just some of the effects that caregivers may experience when looking after a loved one. Have you thought about who will provide this care for you as you age?
As a member of Envisage, your personal wellness & care coordinator will help to alleviate the burden of care by facilitating any of the in-home or out-of-home care you may require as you age so that your family and friends can focus on spending quality time with you, rather than providing care for you.
of caregivers show clinical signs of depression
Source: Family Caregiver Alliance
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Right for Me?

Understanding the Burden of Caregiving
Beyond the mental and emotional stress that caregiving can cause, there can also be significant financial burden. On average, a caregiver can expect to spend 24 hours per week providing care1, which can impact the time they have to devote to their job. And, In a recent study by AARP, 32% of caregivers surveyed reported having to leave a job because of the overwhelming demands of caregiving.
Let Envisage help you put a plan in place that enables your friends and family to remain just that – your friends and family.
Source: 1AARP
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