From Your Leaders in Aging Services  •  Presbyterian SeniorCare Network  •  Lutheran SeniorLife
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Wellness & Care Coordination

Meet your personal wellness & care coordinator – your long-term advocate

Making Your Life Easier as You Age

As an Envisage member, you will have a personal wellness & care coordinator dedicated to helping you age successfully in the place you call home. Your coordinator is the go-to person for all of your long-term care needs, and they will help to shape your plan to ensure that it fulfills all of your wants and desires as you age. They are committed to working with you long-term to help coordinate services you may need, schedule your caregivers (if or when needed), and serve as your healthcare advocate at all times.

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The role of your coordinator may include:

  • Helping to navigate the healthcare system if or when you need it
  • Scheduling annual visits to ensure your home is safe and comfortable, and helping to schedule maintenance if necessary
  • Checking in regularly to see how they may be of assistance (as frequently or infrequently as you prefer)
  • Being on-call 24/7 for emergencies
  • Scheduling caregivers if or when necessary
  • Forming a relationship with you and members of your family

Our Personal Wellness & Care Coordinators Have:

  • Been working with Envisage for an average of 10+ years
  • Extensive experience working with older adults in the healthcare field (20+ years on average).
  • At least a bachelor’s degree, with most achieving their master’s in social work or a related field.

“We feel as though we’re maintaining a home not only for us and for our children, but also for a number of people that we care for a great deal.”

– Ned and Alice, Envisage Members

Personalized Wellness Support

Along with preventative health services, your personal wellness & care coordinator will help you evaluate and set goals for your personal wellness. These may range from health and exercise ambitions, to spiritual, emotional or social goals. Your personal wellness & care coordinator will help you track your progress and assist you in reaching your personal wellness goals.

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